Retreats and Gatherings
A weekend retreat for Queer Pagan men. Alternates between in-person retreats and virtual retreats every other year. Physical retreats take place in Virginia.
A spiritual gathering for men who love men. The week long gathering is held in Ohio.
A weekend retreat for Pagan men of all paths, backgrounds, and orientations. Alternates between in-person and virtual retreats. In-person retreats held in Virginia Beach, VA.
Hosts spring, fall, and winter retreats for gay men at the Mountain Retreat and Learning Center in Highlands, NC.
Sacred Kin Samhain is a spiritual retreat for gay and bi men who want to experience deeper connection and community with other like-minded men. It is open to men of all spiritual paths with a lean towards Neo-Pagan practices. Held at the Oakwood Retreat Center in Selma, IN.
A spiritual gathering for men who love men hosted by the Initiates of the Unnamed Path. Events have taken place in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California and virtually.